Thursday, December 27, 2007

Here I am!

After undergoing canceled red eye flights at understaffed and overcrowded airports on Christmas Day night, I finally made it to Iowa. When I landed I hesitated before going to the rental car desk. I thought, "What's going to go wrong next?"

Driving has always been my Achilles heel. I have never claimed to be a good driver. In fact, without provocation, I usually just come out and tell people that I'm a horrible driver. So for the last few weeks I've been losing sleep over the notion of driving in Iowa's icy conditions.

When I finally did get into my midsize rental car and turned on the ignition, the radio started to play and these were the first words I heard:

"Ron Paul voted against amnesty for illegal aliens. Ron Paul voted against nation building overseas. Ron Paul follows the constitution not the lawyers, not the lobbyists, not the latest polls. Learn more about Ron Paul, the real Republican running for President. Go to"

Not something I hear on radio stations in Los Angeles or Washington. But I figure that if Ron Paul can run for president, then certainly I can drive a car.

Driving (I guess you might call it crawling) into Des Moines, I saw signs on lawns and shop windows in support of Mike Huckabee, Hillary Clinton Barack Obama and even one for Tom Tancredo, who dropped out of the race last week. 

Some point along this drive, I realized it: I'm in Iowa! This is  my Iowa Adventure!


Annie said...

Hi Julia,

I'm enjoying your blog thus far.

About driving, if it's icy and stormy, you have to drive very, very slowly (slower than you can possibly imagine and don't worry about holding up traffic) and don't jam on the breaks if you start to slide -- that just makes it worse.

Anonymous said...

Hey babe, good luck with the journey. Thought I'd mention that in Westwood last week on the street by aah's (sp?), there were two supporters of Ron Paul. They were like crazy people, with hippie music on, and all I could wonder as they tried to give me a flier was do they know where they are or who Ron Paul is? As for snow driving, make sure you have an ice scraper (learned that one the hard way). And be careful on turns.

Best of luck.